structo #18
Thanks to Structo Magazine for doing a beautiful spread of my natural world photos in their most recent journal. Here are the photos that were featured. More of my take on the natural world here.
colorfields at matteawan gallery 2/10-3/4
It's been a fun month of showing my colorfield work (photos and watercolor paintings) at Matteawan Gallery in Beacon. This work has been coming together for a long time and it was extremely gratifying to see it up on the walls of this really sweet space.
I started thinking about making these pictures over a decade ago but working, moving and having babies kept everything but the essentials on the back burner. In a way, I am glad this is the course I was forced to follow. I don't know if these pictures would have become what they are if I had been able rush to make them. They were allowed to remain in my head with sporadic days in my studio here and there where I could try something, fail, and then let the idea retreat back into my head for more puzzling over. The watercolors have come more naturally - maybe because I had already spent so much time thinking about color by the time I started making them but I think they fit really seamlessly into this body of work.
When asked why I make this work, I think people mostly mean 'why the hell are you working with jello?' What I hope is not lost in the novelty of the material is the feeling you get when you spend some time with these pictures. They are meant to be a balm, to create a space to go and feel a certain way. I don't want to dictate the way a person feels when s/he looks at them, that's personal. I just hope the viewer feels something and wants to linger there for awhile.
I'm not sure what's next - if this work will continue or if I am ready to move on. Time will tell. In the meantime, in this moment, I wanted to use this blog entry to collect some of the things written about this work and some of the pieces in the show so that when I am feeling down or lost or unproductive, at least I'll have this.
A pecha kucha talk I did about the work: http://www.pechakucha.org/users/meredith-heuer